Appendix A — Software Requirements

I am looking forward to the Reproducible Research Bootcamp at JSM 2024. I use the tools we will cover in the course every day and I think they are essential for statistics and data science.


The training will be more successful if you install R, RStudio, and Git before the day of the course. Please follow these instructions to install the software. Some of the software may require administrative permissions to install.

If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to email me at

B Installing R and RStudio

R is an open source statistical programming language. RStudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing R code. RStudio is developed by the for-profit company Posit. Don’t worry, you don’t need to pay any money for this software.

B.1 Windows

B.1.1 R

  1. Navigate to the CRAN website.
  2. Click “Download R for Windows”
  3. Click “base”
  4. Click “Download R 4.4.1 for Windows”
  5. Follow the installation instructions. Accept all defaults and install R.

B.1.2 RStudio

  1. Navigate to the RStudio website.
  2. Download the RStudio Desktop installer for Windows. It should be something similar to “RStudio-2024.04.2-764.exe”.
  3. Follow the installation instructions. Accept all defaults and install RStudio.
  4. Open RStudio. If successful, then R and RStudio are installed.

B.2 Mac

B.2.1 R

  1. Navigate to the CRAN website.
  2. Click “Download R for (Mac) OS X”
  3. Select the .pkg link under “Latest Release” that corresponds with your chip type (Apple silicon or Intel).
  4. Follow the installation instructions. Accept all defaults and install R.

B.2.2 RStudio

  1. Navigate to the RStudio website.
  2. Download the RStudio Desktop installer. It should be something similar to “RStudio-2024.04.2-764.dmg”.
  3. Follow the installation instructions. Accept all defaults and install RStudio.
  4. Open RStudio. If successful, then R and RStudio are installed.

C Installing Git

  1. Open RStudio and select “Terminal” in the bottom left. Type which git and hit enter. If you see a filepath like ## /usr/bin/git then you don’t need to follow any more steps.
  2. If you see a message like git: command not found, then follow these instructions.
  3. Go back to step 1. and confirm Git is installed using the Terminal in RStudio.

D More materials


The rest of the materials for the course will be available at this URL a few days before the start of the course.